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The Beginning of a Start Up

Updated: Dec 6, 2023

NOURYSH is a start-up at LaunchPad, the venture studio based at Falmouth University and our mission is to make a healthy diet easy.

Diet is the most impactful way a person can look after their health and we believe that food education and cooking from scratch will always be the best way to ensure good nutrition.

There are many people doing incredible work in schools around the country but budgets are squeezed and practical cookery lessons are a luxury in the classroom. Many schools simply don’t have the resources so it's more important than ever for parents to impart knowledge of healthy eating habits to the next generation and we want to be part of the Food Tech ecosystem that could provide useful tools to be a gamechanger.

So much of the labour of feeding a family is the mental load of planning and organising it all. That's where we believe NOURYSH can help to free up that headspace. Later, you'll be able to draw insight from the choices you're making. All with the aim of allowing you to take back control of your family’s diet.

If you want to support our journey, please follow and share far and wide.

We’d love to hear from you with any feedback, comment or suggestions too at

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