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Meet our NOURYSH Dietitian, Liz!


Liz is a registered Dietitian and certified health and wellbeing coach who lives in Devon with her family.

Ever since learning about nutrients at school, Liz has been fascinated by the connection between nutrition and health. She graduated from University in 2005, obtaining a 1st class degree in nutrition and dietetics, and has gone on to support thousands of people over the last 19 years, supporting them to adapt their diets and lifestyles, and enabling them to tap into the power that good nutrition has in keeping us healthy and well.

Liz loves nothing more than helping people to feel better; encouraging them to find ways to feel healthy and happy again, both physically and mentally. After experiencing post-natal depression following the birth of her second daughter, Liz is especially passionate about working with fellow mums, exploring ways to eat well and feed their family without the overwhelm it can so often cause.

You can read more about Liz’s journey to rock bottom and back again, and the struggle she had around feeding her own family, here.

As well as being employed part time by the NHS and working with NOURYSH, Liz also works in a freelance and private practice capacity. She liaises with clients on a one to one basis online, and has also created a self-directed online healthy eating course, designed for people who want to learn more about eating in way that optimises their health and wellness. It is built with busy people in mind, and is delivered in bite sized modules that can be completed in as little as 5 minutes per week.

In her free time Liz loves listening to music, playing darts, African Drumming, hanging out in cafes and coffee shops, spending time with friends and family, walking in the woods or by the sea and having deep meaningful conversations!

If you would like connect with Liz, you can find her on Facebook at The Be Well Space. You may also like to join in her free Facebook community, Eat Well Feel Better.  To find out more about the online healthy eating course or to book one to one sessions, email Liz at or visit the British Dietetic Association freelance dietitian pages.

Liz works closely with the NOURYSH team to ensure all recipes are nutritionally balanced and contribute positively to a healthy diet. Sign up to check out this weeks menu here.

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